Barbara Pompili in favor of the weekend ban debate

The hunters’ electorate is courted and very touchy, while many voices on the left speak out against this hobby. Particularly after the two serious accidents last week, in which non-hunters were affected. Enough to put the issue of safety back on the table, but also the sharing of space and time between walkers and hunters.

The position taken by Yannick Jadot, EELV candidate for the 2022 presidential election, for a ban on hunting on weekends and during school holidays, therefore arouses concern among practitioners. All the more so as Barbara Pompili, Minister for the Ecological Transition and in charge of the issue in the government, said she was open to the debate.

“It is part of the debates that have existed for a long time on the question of sharing space” and “it is an idea that at one point arises and on which we must have a debate,” she said on France Info. But she also wants to reassure, “the majority has no desire to ban hunting in one way or another”, simply to regulate it.

A half day without hunting at the national level?

Asked also about the possibility of a half-day without hunting, she judged that “everything can be done, it is also necessary to look at territory by territory”. “If there is a need for supervision at the national level, once again there are debates today, I am not afraid of the political debate, that the debate begins and that we look at how far we can go », Continued Barbara Pompili.

However, many departments have already retained the ban on Wednesday hunting, abolished nationally in 2003. The minister is unsurprisingly highly criticized by the National Federation of Hunters, while compulsory training every 10 years to keep the hunting license came into effect and various traditional bird hunts were banned.

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