Barack Obama pays tribute to Merkel in a video message and says “Thank you!”

Ex-US President pays tribute to Merkel
This is what it sounds like when Obama says “thank you”

Former US President Barack Obama praised Chancellor Angela Merkel in a video message as a “role model for so many people”.

© Screenshot Twitter / Charles Michel

The former US President says “thank you”: Barack Obama paid tribute to Angela Merkel (CDU) in a video message – and emphasized his friendship with the outgoing Chancellor.

Former US President Barack Obama recognized Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) for her “relentless” moral compass and many years of good cooperation. “So many people, girls and boys, men and women, have had a role model to look up to in difficult times,” he said in a video message shared on Twitter by EU Council President Charles Michel. The video was also shown on Friday at what is probably the last meeting of the heads of state and government of the EU with Merkel as the incumbent chancellor.

Obama to Merkel: “I was happy to be your friend”

Obama also said that it shows character that she would probably rather work at the EU summit than be the center of attention at this one. “I was happy to be your friend,” said the 60-year-old, who was US President from 2009 to 2017. He had the privilege of being able to fall back on the partnership with her during a number of crises.

“For many years, few leaders can be relied on to put their principles above any narrow definition of self-interest,” said Obama. The German people and the whole world owed her thanks for her high moral standards.


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