Balcony power plant not registered: Is this a criminal offense?

Does a mini PV system still have to be registered? And what happens if the balcony power plant is not registered? We give advice.

With a plug-in balcony power plant, anyone can become an electricity producer in no time at all and cover part of their own needs. All you really have to do is buy the system and then plug it in – or is that right? Unfortunately, it’s not quite that easy, because there are still a few bureaucratic hurdles to overcome. However, the recently passed Solar Package I has significantly reduced these. A balcony power plant still has to be registered. We explain exactly what that means here.

Registration with the network operator is no longer necessary

Until now, it was mandatory to register a balcony power plant with the grid operator. However, as of May 16, 2024, this will no longer be necessary in accordance with Section 8 Paragraph 5a of the Renewable Energy Sources Act – the simplified registration should please everyone who wants to install a balcony power plant themselves in the future. The federal government’s aim is to use this simplification to encourage private households to generate their own electricity and help drive the energy transition forward. Unfortunately, the registration of the balcony power plant will not be eliminated entirely.

If you are still looking for a plug-in balcony power plant, the provider Kleines Kraftwerk offers both small systems with one module and larger systems with two or four modules including brackets for the balcony or installation options for the house wall, roof or garden.

Click here for the offer at Kleines Kraftwerk

Registration of the balcony power plant in the market data register

PV systems must always be registered in the Federal Network Agency’s market data register – this still applies to small balcony power plants. If a mini PV system is put into operation, users have one month to register it in the register. But there is a small ray of hope, because here too it has been greatly simplified: instead of the previous 20, only five details of the solar system now have to be provided. The whole thing works very easily online. This means that a balcony power plant can be registered in no time at all to generate your own electricity. The following details are currently still required:

  • Where was the system installed? Address or location of the system
  • What type of plant is it? Name of the plant (“Balcony Power Plant”)
  • When was the plant put into operation?
  • How much power does the system have in total?
  • What is the power of the inverter?
  • What is the meter number?

There are also numerous balcony power plant options on eBay that can be operated with simplified registration.

Click here for the offer on Ebay

Is there a penalty if the balcony power plant is not registered?

Registration in the market master data register is a legal requirement. This is because every system, no matter how small, is part of the electricity supply in Germany. The relevant authorities must be aware of this. Anyone who does not register their balcony power plant must expect to be fined. According to Section 21 of the market master data register regulation, this is an administrative offence. Fines in the three-digit range are then just as possible as the connection being disconnected from the grid.

But here too, things are often more heated than they are eaten. Ultimately, the Federal Network Agency has no real means of imposing sanctions, as operators of small balcony power plants do not feed electricity into the public grid and therefore do not receive any feed-in tariff. However, if you want to be on the safe side, you should register – it is quick to do and you do not have to worry about possible penalties.

Amazon also has a large selection of balcony power stations of all sizes, which can be easily registered up to 800 watts.

Click here for the offer on Amazon

The facts at a glance

  • As of May 16, 2024, the network operator no longer needs to be informed.
  • Balcony power plants with an output of up to 800 watts must still be registered in the Federal Network Agency’s market data register.
  • The registration form has been simplified and currently only five pieces of information are required.
  • Registration can be done easily online.
  • Registration is free.
  • Users of a balcony power plant have one month after commissioning to register the system with the Federal Network Agency.
  • Failure to register could theoretically result in a penalty in the form of a fine.

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