Bachelor Dominik Stuckmann: “Actually, I’m not a quick smooch”

Before he became “The Bachelor”, Dominik Stuckmann didn’t even have Instagram. Now the new Rosenkavalier wants to find his dream woman on television. With the star did he talk about the project.

Dominik, why did you decide to find love on television?
It’s a dive into the deep end, completely outside of my comfort zone. I myself wasn’t even on social media before. I also didn’t have Tinder or any other flirt programs. But “The Bachelor” just appealed to me. If already, then already. This is a huge adventure that lies ahead. We will visit the most beautiful spots in Mexico, where you would otherwise not be able to go. It is a unique journey combined with the hope of finding great love. And that’s what made me want to take part.

You say that you are not at all familiar with Tinder or the like – what was dating like during the pandemic and before the “Bachelor”?
I didn’t feel like dating at all, I have to say. I’ve been in a relationship for a long time, six years. And I’ve been single for nine months now. And so I withdrew. I went to Spain, spent a lot of months there and occupied myself with myself. And that worked wonderfully, and I didn’t feel the need to date either. Until I got to the point where I was like, ‘Hey, you’re ready to go out into the world again, you’re on fire again to have a woman by your side.’

The last Bachelorette maxim was suspected that she was not ready to meet someone new after the relationship ended. What was the sign for you that the time is right?
This is a process that everyone makes up for themselves. For me there came a point where I was sure: Okay, I want to get to know women again. I feel like going into the world. And I think that’s a subjective feeling. Let’s be honest: a relationship rarely ends overnight. If nothing drastic happens, it is often a gradual process. At least that’s how it was for me. Then the processing time is often shorter.

You commute between Frankfurt and Gran Canaria, so that would probably be a long-distance relationship. How can that work?
Yes, I commute between Frankfurt and Gran Canaria, but I’m still not tied to a particular location. If I find my great love in Germany and she is not ready to go to Spain, then we will find a compromise and a way. I want to enjoy as much togetherness as possible. A long distance relationship is not in my best interest.

Did you apply yourself or were you approached?
I applied myself because it’s just an adventure. In the run-up to the show, I didn’t really follow the show, but I knew that an incredibly blatant journey was imminent, with incredibly blatant places that you visit and of course always the hope of finding love.

What’s the biggest challenge? The sheer number of women or the cameras?
So first of all, this is a situation that I wasn’t familiar with. You are thrown into the deep end and there are many camera teams around you. And you have to be able to open up. Because you really want to get to know women. And that is only possible if you are yourself. I stayed myself, but I had to get used to the situation. I’ll be honest with you: I’m an extroverted guy who loves to talk, but it took a little time. With all the cameras you need a bit of getting used to to look relaxed.

Did you get inspiration from your predecessors?
I think I could only name two names of my predecessors. I watched the format from time to time, and sometimes checked it out when my ex-girlfriend saw it. But I didn’t get inspiration. I also wanted to distance myself from this because at the end of the day I don’t want to orient myself to others.

Fans of the format are always waiting for the first approach, the first kiss. Are you more of a quick kisser or the cautious one?
So if you ask me like that now, I’m more of the type who is a bit more cautious, but still we have had unique moments where feelings build up quickly. Because the setting, the location and the right woman give it that moment. The kiss can then come faster than expected. But actually I’m not a quick smooch.

Did you have a tactic?
Tactic is the wrong word. I am not an actor, I am real. Of course there are a few parameters that are important to me and that decide whether it makes sense to get to know the woman further – whether you have the same ideas about life and are on the same wavelength. These are crucial questions that determine whether or not a relationship will come about. I’m looking for something long-term and not a flash in the pan. That’s why people talk about things like family wishes in the past.

A candidate already has a child. Would that be a problem for you?
If she brings a child into the relationship, that means for me too, of course, that I have to adjust to it and that also entails a lot of compromises. It is important information and one has to be prepared for it. But if the woman blows my mind, then you can put everything together. It is not a knockout criterion.

You’re not that savvy when it comes to Instagram. How do you then find out whether the woman is there for you or for the influencer career?
I didn’t have an Instagram account before and have only just created one. I have to trust my knowledge of human nature. I have to feel like she means business. If I have the feeling with a woman that she is only there because of fame, then it is clear who will certainly not get the rose.

“The Bachelor” starts on Wednesday, January 26, 2022 at 8:15 pm on RTL, on RTL + all 10 episodes of the season can be seen one week before they are broadcast on TV

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