Baby Killer Lucy L.: Why Didn’t Nobody Stop the Nurse?

Judge James Goss sentenced Lucy L. to fourteen life sentences on Monday – one for each murder and attempted murder committed by the 33-year-old at Chester Hospital from 2015 to 2016. Why didn’t anyone stop her?

“Trust me, I’m a nurse,” Lucy L. said to a worried mother who rushed into her son’s hospital room after hearing his screams from the hallway. “It was a cry I’ve never heard from a newborn,” said the mother of “Baby E,” a twin, later in court in Manchester, “he was crying out in pain.” Blood came out of his mouth. The nurse explained it was normal, the feeding tube was rubbing his throat. The mother should go and rest, a doctor is on the way to her son, L. said. “I listened to her,” said the mother, adding, crying, “I trusted her completely.” Five hours later, her son was dead. Another 24 hours later, L. would attempt to murder his twin brother.

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