Baby equipment list: 5 important points including product recommendations

family addition
Baby equipment – this list will help you with the preparations

A list of the most important purchases will help with the initial baby equipment

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When you become a first-time parent, there are many new things you need to buy. This not only costs time, but also money. We will show you which purchases make sense for the baby’s initial equipment and which do not.

The good news first: You have nine months to prepare for the birth of your child. Use the next few weeks to set up the children’s room calmly and carefully. So that you don’t lose track or run the risk of buying useless things, we have put together a list of the most important purchases for baby’s initial equipment.

1. Clothing

In the first few weeks, bodysuits and rompers, socks and hats are among the most important items of clothing for a baby. Make sure, however, that you don’t just buy one size, but three different ones (e.g. 56, 62 and 68) – babies grow several centimeters within a short time. In any case, the one-piece suits should have buttons in the crotch so that the newborn does not always have to be completely undressed when changing diapers. To avoid buying too many baby clothes that end up not being used, you can use this list as a guide:

Tip: Baby sneakers, denim pants and hoodies may look cute but are totally unnecessary for newborns.

2. Changing and bathing

In the first few months, your baby will be changed several times a day, so you should always have enough diapers at home. The size of the nappies must be adapted to the height and weight of the baby: initially size one is most likely needed and after two to four weeks size two. For this reason, it makes no sense to stock up on too many diapers of one size. We recommend two packs each of sizes one and two, as well as the following aids that you will need for diaper changing and bathing your child:

Tip: The skin of a newborn is very sensitive, but you should not use expensive creams, powders or wet wipes in the beginning. After the first few weeks, wound protection cream and care oil come into use.

When breastfeeding, mother and child are particularly close

With a nursing bra, you can breastfeed your baby quickly and easily

© Aliseenko / Getty Images

3. Breastfeeding and health

If you breastfeed your child, it will be provided with all the important nutrients that strengthen its immune system. So that you and your baby can enjoy the intensive contact as much as possible, you should prepare well for breastfeeding – many babies are very impatient when they are hungry, so you will feel the desire to breastfeed your offspring quickly. The points listed here in particular ensure more comfort:

Tip: For emergencies, it makes sense to have a small medicine cabinet to create. It is best to talk to your midwife about which medications or other aids are recommended for newborns.

4. Children’s room

For the initial furnishing of the children’s room, new furniture such as this extra bed essential for family growth. Since they are one of the most expensive new purchases, you can wait until after the birth – in the first few weeks, your baby will most likely spend more time in your bed than in his. To save money, you could, among other things, do without the purchase of a bassinet, toys and stuffed animals. You’ll probably get most of these as gifts from friends and family for baby essentials. The following furnishings, on the other hand, should not be missing in the children’s room:

Tip: If your baby is born in spring or summer, buying a radiant heater is not absolutely necessary. It is mainly used on cold autumn or winter days to warm your child when changing diapers.

5. Transportation

If you leave the hospital as new parents and want to drive home by car, you need an infant carrier for transport – otherwise you are not allowed to take your child with you in the vehicle. Ideally, you buy a combination of stroller and baby seat with a footmuff. The most important errands for on the go are summarized again below:

Tip: To save costs, you can also buy a used stroller combination. Many parents return these in very good condition, so that you can save money on the baby’s initial equipment without a guilty conscience.

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