Award: Star honor for Adam McKay on Hollywood’s “Walk of Fame”

Star honor for Adam McKay on Hollywood’s “Walk of Fame”

Hollywood’s “Walk of Fame” is a little longer: Adam McKay gets a star. Photo: Christof Soeder/dpa

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Next week, the film director is to be awarded a star plaque for his work. The guest speakers have already been named.

Oscar winner Adam McKay (53, “Don’t Look Up”) is to be immortalized on Hollywood’s “Walk of Fame” with a star plaque. This was announced by the operators of the tourist mile in Los Angeles on Thursday.

On February 17, the director and screenwriter is scheduled to unveil the star on Hollywood Boulevard. He receives the 2713th plaque on the famous sidewalk. Comedian Sarah Silverman and actor John C. Reilly are invited guest speakers.

For the bitter satire “Don’t Look Up”, McKay recently brought stars such as Meryl Streep, Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Lawrence in front of the camera. The film, about two astronomers who warn the world of a dangerous comet hurtling towards Earth, picked up four Oscar nominations this week.

The Oscar winner has often demonstrated his biting sense of humour. With “Vice – The Second Man” (2019) he made a real satire about the hard-line politician Dick Cheney. With the financial thriller “The Big Short” (2016), he entertainingly staged rather bulky material about the great crash on the US real estate market.


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