Autism and employment: A difficult daily adaptation

Exacerbated sensitivity to noise and light, difficulties in communicating and expressing one’s needs… The daily life in the workplace of people with spectrum disorders autism is particularly stressful and tiring. “In reality, very few people with autism have access to work in Europe. It is considered that 75 to 90% of people with autism are very far from employment. In France, we must also be closer to 90%, ”says Patrick Maincent, spokesperson for the National Union of Associations of Parents of Disabled Children (Unapei). A figure which is explained above all by the lack of knowledge “of what these people are, of their skills, of their difficulties too”, according to him.

“In a society made by and for atypical people, someone like me, with autism, must constantly adapt to different situations. Samuel Poveda was diagnosed at the age of 18 with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Thanks to personalized support, he now works in the aeronautics sector. Find his testimony in the video placed at the top of the article.

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