Australian field hockey player caught buying cocaine

He must have missed the white lines of the field hockey pitch. Eliminated with his team in the quarter-finals of the Olympic tournament against the Netherlands on Sunday, Australian player Thomas Craig was arrested on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday while buying cocaine in Paris, we learned from a police source and the prosecution.

The 28-year-old was arrested around 12:30 a.m. after police officers had “witnessed a cocaine transaction” at “the foot of a building in the 9th arrondissement,” the sources said. The Australian hockey player was in possession of “about a gram of cocaine,” the police source said.

The seller was also arrested

The 17-year-old seller was also arrested. He was in possession of various narcotics, including 75 ecstasy tablets as well as cocaine and synthetic drugs.

They are both in police custody this Wednesday morning. “In view of the quantities of narcotics seized from the seller, the investigations have been entrusted to the Narcotics Squad” of the Paris judicial police, the prosecution also indicated.

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