Australia: Police officer rescues his son from the sea and drowns

Police officer rescues his son from the sea and drowns

In Narooma, south of Sydney (icon image), a man drowned trying to pull his teenage son out of a treacherous ocean current

© Imago Images

When he saw his son fighting a treacherous ocean current, a police officer from Australia didn’t hesitate for a minute. He jumped into the sea himself and saved the boy. He was pulled into the sea and drowned.

Drama in Australia: A police officer has died south of Sydney trying to save his distressed son from drowning in the sea. The 45-year-old officer, who was on vacation with his family, was caught in the current during the rescue operation near the village of Narooma, the broadcaster 9News reported on Monday, citing local police. The accident happened on an unguarded beach.

Australia: Father rescues son from sea and is himself swept out by current

While the 14-year-old son survived, any help came too late for his father. Helpers who rushed to sea in a boat could only determine his death, despite immediate resuscitation measures. “He managed to pull his son out of the current, but was then pushed out to sea himself,” police spokesman Paul Hoyer said. He spoke of a “tragedy for his family, his friends and his colleagues”.


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