Augsburg – Trouble about nude photo – Bavaria

augsburg:Trouble over nude photo

A man from the Augsburg district has trouble with the criminal police because of a 15-year-old nude photo of his now grown-up son. A woman had drawn the investigators’ attention to the status picture of the 59-year-old on a messenger service – it showed a presumed child pornographic photo of a six-year-old boy. As the police reported on Friday, this led to a search of the father’s apartment. It turned out that his grown son had sent him the photo as a childhood memory. The father then used the recording as a status photo on his smartphone after consultation with the son. According to the police, father and son found the picture funny. The 59-year-old didn’t worry about presenting it to others on the messenger service. The father is now on trial for possession and distribution of child pornography.

© SZ from October 16, 2021 / dpa

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