Audiences: What score for the return of "Star Academy" on TF1 facing "Murders on the Blue Coast" with Jean-Pierre Foucault on France 3? – Puremedias

  1. Audiences: What score for the return of “Star Academy” on TF1 compared to “Murders on the Blue Coast” with Jean-Pierre Foucault on France 3?Puremedias
  2. Prime Audiences: What score for the launch on TF1 of the new season of “Star Ac” with Nikos Alia…Jean-Marc Morandini’s Blog
  3. Television. Drômoise Maïa sets fire to the Star Academy setThe Dauphiné Libéré
  4. Nikos Aliagas can’t believe it! Stéphane Bern reluctantly invites himself to the launch of Star Academy 2024Purepeople
  5. Star Academy: Héléna Bailly, Candice Vernet… Former students in tears behind the scenes of the first primeHere is

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