Attal confirms that a decree will be issued by July 1

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The day before, during his press conference, Emmanuel Macron remained vague on this reform, saying he wanted to “build the modalities” after the upcoming elections.

Despite the upcoming election, ongoing reforms have not been abandoned, including unemployment insurance. Guest on France Inter this Thursday morning, the Prime Minister confirmed that the tightening of the rules in force would be put in place in the coming months. A decree to this effect will indeed be taken “by the first of July”he indicated.

In order to achieve full employment », the executive intends to work on remuneration, on the quality of employment, but also on unemployment insurance. After the failure of discussions between social partners, “a reform has been worked on”, recalled Gabriel Attal. The decree allowing it to be put in place will be taken by next month: “it remains on parameters which are those which were put in place in the 2019 reform, and [il] is accompanied by better support for the unemployed in returning to employment”, added the majority leader. And to specify that the reform “is to say: you will have to work eight months out of the last 20 months to receive unemployment”.

For the moment, the draft decree is being examined by the Council of State. The day before, during his press conference, Emmanuel Macron remained vague on the future of this reform: if he said“to assume”the Head of State wanted to be open about its contours, specifying that he wanted to “build the modalities” after the upcoming legislative elections, in a few weeks. The reform should also make it possible to save several billion euros – up to 5.4 billion per year, within four to five years, according to Unédic.

For their part, the oppositions like the unions are standing up against this new turn of the screw affecting the unemployed. In a joint press release published Wednesday, employee representatives called on the executive to “give up” to this project. “All these reforms have had direct and serious consequences for people deprived of employment, both on the amount of benefits (-17%), and on the average duration of compensation (- 25%), and a drop in the number of people receiving compensation compared to the number registered (only 38% are)”underline the eight organizations, including the CFDT, FO and the CGT. “Even though the government has just suffered a real disavowal in the last European elections, it is time to give up the most useless, unjust and violent reform ever seen”they add.

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