attacked by a crocodile, a sexagenarian from Australia pulls out his knife

Australia was known for its inhospitable flora and frightening fauna, it would seem that its inhabitants are made of the same wood. At least that’s the case with the 60-year-old Australian who escaped the jaws of a four-meter sea crocodile by repeatedly stabbing him in the head with his pocket knife as he dragged him around. a river.

The man had gone fishing last week on his property near Hope Vale, about a five-hour drive from Cairns, and chased a bull from the shore so he could settle there. It was then that the crocodile attacked. “He described seeing the crocodile seconds before he pounced on him, knocking him over as he was about to throw his fishing rod,” the ministry said in a statement.

“The chances of doing this are almost zero”

“It looks like the crocodile was aiming for the bull or the cow at the time, and it just ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time,” said Matt Brien, of the Queensland State Department of the Environment. , to journalists. The fisherman gripped the branch of a mangrove tree in a desperate attempt to stay out of the river as the crocodile’s jaws wrapped around his boots. But he quickly lost the fight and was dragged into the river.

“The man said that upon entering the water he managed to retrieve his knife from his belt and stabbed the crocodile in the head until he let go. The chances of doing this are almost zero, ”Judge Matt Brien. The man then ascended the shore and went to Cooktown Hospital for treatment. He was then flown to Cairns hospital, where he is still recovering in “stable” condition a week later.

Marine crocodiles or “salties”, which can reach seven meters in length and weigh over a ton, are characteristic of the tropical north of the vast country. Their numbers have exploded since they were declared a protected species in 1971, and recent attacks have reignited the debate over their control. Fatalities remain relatively rare, with locals and visitors being urged to keep away from waterways populated by crocodiles.

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