Attack in Copenhagen: Danish Prime Minister: I am shocked, but well

Attack in Copenhagen
Danish Prime Minister: I am shocked, but fine

Denmark’s Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen commented on the attack on her. Photo

© Ida Marie Odgaard/Ritzau Scanpix Photo/AP/dpa

Mette Frederiksen thanks everyone for the support she received after she was beaten by a man on the street. She now needs some rest.

Denmark’s Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen has spoken out on Instagram after she Copenhagen was physically attacked. She thanked everyone for the many messages of support. “This is all incredibly touching,” she wrote. She posted a heart.

She is sad and shocked about what happened, but otherwise fine. She now needs rest, both for her body and soul. She needs time for herself and her family.

The 46-year-old was physically attacked by a man on Friday evening. A 39-year-old is suspected of having punched her in the upper arm. The suspect is currently in custody. He denied his guilt in court.

According to the Danish news agency Ritzau, Frederiksen will not attend any public events on Sunday either, after she had already cancelled her participation in several events on Saturday. The police announced on the X platform that their main hypothesis is currently not that this was a politically motivated act. The suspect was apparently under the influence of alcohol and drugs, Ritzau reported.


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