Attack in Ansbach: memories of a terrible night – Bavaria

Würzburg, Munich and Ansbach – five years ago three attacks shook the whole of Bavaria in just one week. For Interior Minister Herrmann “the worst days” in office. And yet the Ansbach case is different.


Olaf Przybilla

Stefan Maurer was already in his pajamas. He’s been running a pub in Ansbach for several decades, but he didn’t want to open his shop on Sunday for the music festival just around the corner. Young people, not his music, he didn’t expect much from it. So rather for the Annafest in Forchheim. Back from there, he was about to go to bed when there was a short thud. It was five years ago now, but Stefan Maurer thinks he still has the tone in his ears. “A short, dull thud,” he says. And immediately again, as if he couldn’t get the sound out of his ear canal: “A short, dull thud.”


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