At the Facettes Festival, a workshop on sexuality “to be able to talk in peace”

As the silhouettes cross the doorstep, the three workshop participants add chairs to the room. Forty young women and young men, who came alone, with friends or siblings, are seated next to each other. 1:30 p.m., the workshop begins. Two mothers accompanying their daughter are asked to come out. “The goal is to be able to talk in peace,” warns Sandie Boulanger, sex therapist and somatotherapist, one of the three participants in the exchange. ” What happens here stays here. »

Among the young people present, some suffer from mental pathologies, but not all. Others participated for almost a year in the organization of the Facettes Festival, the first festival on mental health designed by and for young people, within which this workshop takes place. “In the organization, we had people with disorders who have recovered, others who are struggling, some who have not been diagnosed or others who are doing very well and who find it cool to have tools. to be well,” explains Clémence Monvoisin, organizer of the Facettes Festival.

Deconstructing the performative schema of sexuality

If the themes of illness will never be addressed during the workshop, it is because the organizers “never spoke about their depression, their schizophrenia or their bipolarity. They were talking about everything that makes their young adult life a young adult life. Among these subjects: social relations, studies but also… sexuality. Hence today’s workshop.

“There are mental disorders whose treatment can alter the libido”, explains to the assembly Claire Versini, psychomotrician in sexology training who also works with people with difficulties or mental disorders. The three professionals wish to deconstruct the performative scheme of sexuality so that everyone discovers their desires and learns to listen to themselves. “During our life, we have several sexualities, not just one,” adds Sandie Boulanger. “You may not want to make love at all, for example when you are not well. A young woman nods.

Prevent without demonizing

However, the workers do not forget about prevention. Dozens of male and female condoms are placed on the table at the entrance to the room, “for you or for your friends, we don’t care”. After having approached the subject of sexually transmitted diseases, comes the question of intimate relationships under psychotropic drugs. “Some people use chemicals to disinhibit themselves to have sex. But in psychotropics, there is an addictive part, and then… it’s not really you who have a sexual relationship but rather an avatar of yourself”, warns the sex therapist.

A concerned young man intervenes. They discuss and listen to each other but it is already 2:30 p.m. and the workshop must end. Three volunteers from the Eqtas association. e – Education by and for queer people and people who are troubled about addictions and sexuality in an ephemeral way – warn that they will be there all weekend to listen to people who are having difficulties and asking themselves questions. And that is the whole purpose of the Facettes Festival.

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