At least six dead in marriage from Taliban mortar fire

US Army troops in Afghanistan. (drawing) – AFP

A mortar shell fired by the Taliban landed on a wedding taking place Saturday evening in a province north of Kabul, killing six people, including women and children, the Afghan defense ministry said on Sunday. The shot was aimed at a nearby army checkpoint, but missed its mark and hit the crowd gathered for a wedding, in
the province of Kapisa, killing six and wounding four, the same source said.

The Taliban for their part denied being behind the bombing, saying the mortar was fired by the military. Also this Sunday, the Interior Ministry accused the Taliban of having killed at least 250 civilians in the past month and injuring more than 500, especially with mines and bombs exploding on the roads. The Taliban deny attacking civilians, but bombs or mines intended for security forces often explode as civilian vehicles pass by.

Violence has particularly increased in recent weeks in Afghanistan, with almost daily clashes between the armed forces and the Taliban, as the US military continues to withdraw its last soldiers. US President Joe Biden ordered the complete withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan by September 11 – exactly twenty years after the September 11, 2001 attacks by al-Qaeda, which triggered the military intervention in Afghanistan.

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