At least 500 million euros are missing “to finance the Segur” in 2021, according to the FHF

The account is not there yet. To finance the salary increases of “Ségur de la santé” in 2021, “it lacks at this stage between 500 and 700 million euros,” said
the president of the French Hospital Federation (FHF), Frédéric Valletoux, this Monday.

Negotiated in the midst of the Covid-19 epidemic, the “Ségur de la santé” has resulted in a general increase in salaries and targeted upgradings for nearly 2 million staff in hospitals and retirement homes, public and private, for a total of 10 billion euros per year.

“This underfunding will increase from year to year”

“If nothing is done, this underfunding will increase from year to year” and “the risk is great while the deficits are widening, paradoxically suffocating public establishments”, he added.

To avoid this pitfall, he hoped that the next five-year term would give rise to “two programming laws, one for health, the other for autonomy”, in order to define “a minimum rate of change in the funding of public hospitals ”.

“Double bites” on training

The first should in particular make it possible to fill 25,000 vacant paramedical positions, by putting “double efforts” on training: “by 2025”, Frédéric Valletoux wants to open 25% more places in nursing schools and nearly 50 % for nursing assistants.

The second would set the objective of “recruiting 100,000 professionals within five years” in the old age sector, which “represents 4.5 billion euros in additional expenditure”. Proposals intended to animate the presidential campaign, while “six months before the election, we clearly see no vision, no big story for the health system,” he observed. The FHF nevertheless intends to invite all candidates to a debate on the subject on March 17, 2022, “anniversary date of the first confinement”.

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