Artificial Intelligence: Study: Every second teacher uses AI for school

Artificial intelligence
Study: Every second teacher uses AI for school

Every second teacher in Germany uses AI for school. (Symbolic image) Photo: Frank Rumpenhorst/dpa

Every second teacher in Germany uses AI for school. (Symbolic image) photo

© Frank Rumpenhorst/dpa

Almost all students use chatbots like ChatGPT and other AI tools for homework or exam preparation. Many teachers are now also discovering the new technology.

Applications with artificial intelligence are being used in schools Germany is also increasingly being used by teachers. According to a survey by the digital association Bitkom among 502 teachers at secondary levels I and II, 51 percent have already gained concrete experience with AI tools such as ChatGPT or SchulKI. For the survey, which according to Bitkom is representative, teachers from several types of schools such as secondary schools, secondary schools, grammar schools and comprehensive schools were interviewed.

However, the use of AI has not yet convinced all teachers. 28 percent of respondents said they would like to continue using AI tools in the future. However, 23 percent said they did not want to use AI again in the future. 28 percent have no practical experience with AI yet, but would like to use it soon. The group of total refusers is relatively small: 11 percent categorically exclude the use of AI. Seven percent have so far only tried AI for private purposes.

One in three teachers bans AI for homework

Teachers who use AI for school purposes report a wide range of application areas in the study. 81 percent use it to impart knowledge in class, 59 percent use it to explain AI to students. 43 percent provide individual feedback using AI tools, and 36 percent use them to prepare lessons. Ten percent of teachers assign the use of AI as homework, while 37 percent prohibit their students from doing so.

However, the study also reveals contradictory attitudes among teachers on the subject of AI: 80 percent of teachers believe that all students should learn how to use AI. At the same time, however, 39 percent say that AI has no place in school. Against this background, Bitkom Managing Director Bernhard Rohleder called on teachers to actively address the topic of AI: “Schools must familiarize children and young people with artificial intelligence. Where, if not in schools, should they learn how to use AI competently?” It is important that teachers are supported with further training courses in AI and its didactics.

Digital pact for schools works

Teachers now view the state of digitalization in schools as consistently positive: 92 percent of teachers report noticeable improvements as a result of the School Digital Pact, which has provided several billion euros for the digitalization of schools over the past five years, for example for WiFi, Tablets, computers and network administration. 90 percent of teachers therefore demand quick follow-up financing. 93 percent demand that a Digital Pact 2.0 also include funds for licenses, learning materials and training.

Almost two thirds (65 percent) of teachers fear that the digital devices in their schools will become investment ruins without follow-up financing. Only 11 percent consider a digital pact 2.0 to be unnecessary.


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