Art: Festive programme for the 100th birthday of Fritz Koenig

Festive programme for the 100th birthday of Fritz Koenig

The sculptor Fritz Koenig would have turned 100 years old on June 20. Photo

© Frank Mächler/dpa

His monumental sculptures have made the Landshut sculptor Fritz Koenig internationally famous. On June 20th he would have turned 100 years old. Several events are honoring the artist.

The 100th birthday of the Lower Bavarian sculptor Fritz Koenig (1924-2017) is being celebrated with exhibitions in New York, Venice, Munich and Landshut. His estate near Landshut will also be opened to visitors as part of the anniversary program. The Koenig Museum in the artist’s hometown will kick off the event on June 20 with the exhibition “Fritz Koenig – Life Stages”.

The exhibition in Landshut takes a biographical look at Koenig’s life and main work. His most important sculptures in public spaces are shown in the form of models and documentation material.

Sculpture “Spherical Caryatid NY” stood in front of the World Trade Center

An exhibition will open in New York on June 27. The exhibition at the Transatlantic Center of the Federal Republic will focus on the famous sculpture “Kugelkaryatide NY” (also called “Sphere”), which stood in front of the World Trade Center in New York and was recovered damaged from the rubble after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

An exhibition dedicated to Koenig is to be held in October at the Venice Biennale. The venue is the German Study Centre. The exhibition “Fritz Koenig and Antiquity” will be held at the Glyptothek in Munich from 13 November.

At the end of the anniversary year, the Ganslberg will be opened for four weeks from June 2025. Since Koenig’s death in 2017, his house and studio have been empty. There have been discussions about the future use of the property for years. Fritz Koenig was born in Würzburg and grew up in Landshut. One of his best-known works is the memorial in the Mauthausen concentration camp memorial in Austria.


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