around thirty intoxicated people in a college in Gironde

There was no “evacuation or hospitalization”, indicates the prefecture of the Gironde. Wednesday around 11:30 am, 34 people from the Aliénor d’Aquitaine college in Martignas-sur-Jalle in the suburbs of Bordeaux (Gironde), including 27 college students, “were slightly intoxicated”. The fire and rescue services (Sdis 33) intervened.

“The origin of the poisoning could be, according to the first elements, an emanation of hydrochloric acid coming from the combustion of propellant, a fuel intended for propulsion, on the site of ArianeGroup in Saint-Médard-en -Jalles, indicates the prefecture. Other potential sources have been identified and ruled out. “

La Dreal is investigating on site

The inspection of classified installations of the Regional Directorate for the Environment, Planning and Housing (DREAL), present on the ArianeGroup site, “investigates the conditions under which this combustion was carried out, its regulatory compliance, and the probable links with the intoxication of people from the Aliénor college in Aquitaine. “

Legal proceedings are opened.

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