Armin Laschet and Ricarda Lang with Caren Miosga: “You have to fight everything” – Media

“Incitement, crises, upheavals – can politics still bring people together?” is the topic of Caren Miosga’s talk. But in the conversation between Green Party leader Ricarda Lang and former CDU leader Armin Laschet, the boundaries become blurred. Not good.

It’s like this: the worse the occasion, the more boring the television. What can you do? When a police officer is stabbed while trying to defend someone from what is probably an Islamist knife attack, as happened in Mannheim, there are no wildly differing opinions that could be discussed in an entertaining way. Caren Miosga begins the program “on a sad occasion”. And her two guests, Green Party leader Ricarda Lang and CDU Bundestag member Armin Laschet, agree in turn. Both right-wing extremism and Islamism must be fought – or as Laschet sums it up after a long list, “everything must be fought”.

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