Are your general co-ownership meetings hellish? Tell us !

Becoming a homeowner is a dream for many French people. But which includes another side of the coin: the co-ownership meetings. As the co-ownership and housing fair kicks off this Wednesday at Porte de Versailles, 20 minutes is interested in these high masses which bring together the co-owners and the trustee, and during which the work, the costs to be expected, the neighborhood concerns, etc. are discussed.

Because it is not uncommon for these meetings to turn into real moments of tension. Between those who refuse to systematically vote for all work and those who vote for all of them, the irritation is palpable. And when certain owners do not pay their charges and legal proceedings are taken, it can turn into fistfights. Without forgetting the eternal grumps who take advantage of the general meetings to throw comments about the neighbors or constantly complain about exorbitant charges.

You are an owner, tell us your most memorable memories of the co-ownership general meetings. How many owners does your building have? Why did the other co-owners sometimes irritate you? Are the major works to be carried out the most explosive subject? Does the president of your union council annoy you? Is the trustee the target of much criticism? Were you taken to task during one of these meetings? tell us

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