Are you over 65 and unable to secure a booster window? tell us

No booster dose. No health pass! As of Wednesday, the pass for people over 65 who have not received their third dose of anti-Covid vaccine will no longer be valid. If this age group has been eligible since September 1, it is primarily those over 80 and nursing home residents who have received the additional injection. But the runaway wave of the fifth epidemic wave of coronavirus prompted the government to expand the recall campaign from November 29 to all people 18 years of age and over, whose health pass will expire, for adults under 65. years, January 15.

An announcement that caused a rush on the vaccine appointments of a population wishing to protect themselves from the virus, but which also wishes to continue to be able to freely frequent bars, restaurants, cinemas or even nursing homes to visit their parents-residents. As a result, the deadlines for obtaining a niche have lengthened considerably, faced with a demand that exceeds the number of available doses. So, to ensure the protection of the most vulnerable as a priority, Jean Castex announced on December 6 the possibility for French people aged 65 and over to be able to obtain a booster dose without an appointment, “regardless of the center” in which they surrender, as of December 7. A decision motivated by laudable intentions, but which aroused the anger of the first beneficiaries, many of whom came for nothing, for lack of available doses.

Is this your case? Are you over 65 and can’t get an appointment to get your booster dose? How long have you been trying to find a niche? Have you used the reservation sites on the Internet? Did you go directly there? Did you go to a vaccination center, a pharmacy or your doctor (or even all three)? Are you in a large town or a small town? Tell us.

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