Are the Parisians doing too much on refereeing and contact on Donnarumma? (Yes)

From our special correspondent in Madrid,

He had however patched himself up, at least on the front, with Florentino Perez during a cordial lunch around a lobster salad and a sea bass accompanied by his crushed tomatoes. Yum. He had even accepted the gift of his personal enemy, a model of the new Bernabeu. If Nasser Al-Khelaïfi had known, he would have thrown him in the face. According to our Spanish colleaguesthe Parisian president, who we had already seen furious in these places in 2018 because of one or two questionable whistles, completely lost control after the Parisian elimination.

Nasser and Pochettino bad losers?

Everything was not very clear on Wednesday evening, but in his desire to do battle with the referee of the meeting, NAK, who left in a rage from the grandstand, would have first made the wrong locker room, falling head over heels. nose with several members of the Madrid delegation. “A very unpleasant meeting” according to several witnesses. La Cadena SER, always very reliable, specified that an employee filmed the scene, and that the Qatari threatened him with harsh words: “I will kill you”.

Accompanied by Leonardo, the PSG president would have finally found what he was looking for, and besides himself, would have waxed several times and kicked the flag of one of the linesmen, if we believe an extract. of the arbitration report, which quickly leaked to the Spanish press. The Parisian club, for its part, denied all the Spanish information, citing a not mean altercation with a cameraman from the official Real channel.

“I will never forgive this refereeing error”

In the sights of the Parisian leader, of course, this duel between Karim Benzema and Gigio Donnarumma on Real’s first goal, the one that triggered the unthinkable cataclysm, when the poor Italian goalkeeper had not had a possible stoppage. to do since kick-off at the Parc three weeks ago. Same for Pochettino who went around in circles on it in a press conference as one dwells on a breakup while putting on the glasses of chardonnay on the sofa. Already on Canal +, the Argentine coach had only spoken of this:

“Explaining what happened is easy, there was a foul on Donnarumma during the first goal, and that changed everything. It’s hard not to talk about this big refereeing mistake, which I don’t understand and won’t forgive. I don’t understand why the referee didn’t call VAR. From this action everything changed in the stadium, our players were angry, even if we must recognize that we made mistakes “

One could think that the quarter of an hour before his passage in conf would allow him to cool the circuits, but no, nothing to do. “This goal is a big injustice, there is a clear foul by Benzema on Donnarumma […] I saw a fault and I say after seeing the images 30 or 40 times from different angles”.

Yes, you read correctly, 40 times, a sign that lucidity had completely deserted Parisian minds long after the technical knockout. Because in truth, should we shout at the flight characterized of Mr. Makkelie, when the rest of the match does not suffer from gross errors that could have influenced the result, the VAR taking care of clarifying Mbappé’s offside and Benzema’s not offside? A few notes about us:

  • In the stadium, no one wondered if there was fault

Especially not French journalists. The first impression is not always the right one, but it is a good indicator of the reality of a possible fault. Benzema also seemed surprised that the question was being asked: “It’s simply pressing, he just had to clear”.

  • In slow motion, the contact exists, it is undeniable.

But contact does not lead to systematic fault, it would be known, and even after 40 viewings, we can still say that it is 50/50. The referee could have whistled, but this is not a case where VAR must be taken into account, if we stick to the original rules.

  • Donnarumma makes a mistake by not clearing faster.

Even Leonardo recognized it, the Italian goalkeeper “missed his movement”, offering the extra second to Benzema to come and press him. In fact, the action reminded us from afar of that of Paqueta on Jardim at Parc OL recently. Turpin, as Makkiele had estimated that it was mainly the goalkeeper who had missed it, and he had only decided after calling the VAR which should never have existed, the DTN Pascal Garibian had confirmed.

It’s kind of the same thing here. Maybe the Dutch referee would have changed his mind at the Bernabeu seeing the pitchside footage, but that’s not a clear mistake so VAR didn’t have to budge an ear. Moreover, the Parisian supporters, much more elegant in defeat than their leaders, did not request the intervention of the CAS in the minute, more revolted by the psychological collapse of their troops after this goal.

Nevertheless, this will make a new album in the “goosebumps” collection of PSG in the Champions League, warm between the hand of Kimpembé, Buffon’s dumpling, Coman’s head, or the portrait of Aytekin. There will soon be no more room on the shelf, at this rate.

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