Are the omicron subtypes more deadly?: Lauterbach warns of “killer variants” – and receives criticism – knowledge

The seven-day incidence in Germany is currently falling significantly – on Easter Sunday the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reported a value of 834.3. A week ago, the incidence was 1097.9. Even if the current data is not really meaningful because of the holidays, experts assume that the number of infections is actually falling. “Our models are currently showing a similar decline as the reporting incidences,” said modelers led by Kai Nagel from the TU Berlin. “This suggests that this is not an artifact of a changed testing strategy, but a real decline.”

The epidemiologist Hajo Zeeb also assumes that the infection rate is decreasing: “We are dealing with epidemic waves, and this omicron wave has passed its peak, to which the seasonal trend is also gradually contributing.” A comparison with courses in other countries confirms this, says the expert from the Leibniz Institute for Prevention Research and Epidemiology in Bremen, as the dpa news agency writes.

Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach (SPD) is nevertheless concerned about next autumn and winter. He warns of a possible “killer variant” of the corona virus later this year. “Various omicron subvariants are currently developing, which I am concerned about,” said the politician the “picture on sunday”. Lauterbach continues: It is “quite possible that we will get a highly contagious omicron variant that is as deadly as Delta”.

He was immediately criticized for this statement. The virologist Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit from the University of Hamburg reacted on Twitter on Sunday: “What are these killer variants?”

He said to the “Bild”: “The appearance of a ‘killer variant’ in the fall – whatever that may be – is a very unlikely scenario according to the World Health Organization WHO.”

Omicron is an immune escape variant of the corona virus that tries to circumvent human immune protection. However, one has seen “that the vaccination offered good protection against serious illness and death”, the newspaper quoted him on Monday.

The Bonn virologist Hendrik Streeck also criticized the choice of words by the Minister of Health. He told the paper that the development of variants is as unpredictable as it is influencing: “So instead of warning about scenarios like ‘killer variants’, it would be important to prepare for autumn and winter.”

As a rule, however, a virus does not become more dangerous. “If you humanize the virus for illustration, then it wants to be transmitted more easily, evade immune responses, and at the same time not lose its own fitness. Disease-causing properties are not one of them,” explained Streek.

The CDU health politician Erwin Rüddel had also criticized Lauterbach: “He should have actually learned from his mistakes and misjudgments,” he wrote on Twitter on Sunday.

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