Antonia Rados: “Wars must be thought of from behind”

She met dictators and reported on crises worldwide. For more than 40 years, Antonia Rados has been reporting from where the world is burning. She met dictators and brought their victims closer to the audience. Antonia Rados on working life during the war.

Ms. Rados, you’ve been dating for more than 40 years war and reported in crisis areas. The past 25 years mainly for RTL and ntv. Now stop it, Ukraine was your last assignment as a reporter. Do you say goodbye to journalism completely?
You can only do war journalism 200 percent or not at all. I have sometimes starved, frozen, slept on the floor. I was afraid. So how do you feel when you finish this? Well!

Where is your reporter’s backpack now?
I’ve handed in my bulletproof vest to the transmitter, and I’m slowly getting rid of all sorts of boots and other gear. So I can complete my professional life in every respect.

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