Antoine Boudinet, figure of the “yellow vests”, resigns from the municipal council

Antoine Boudinet, a figure in Bordeaux’s “yellow vests” who had his hand torn off during a demonstration at the end of 2018, resigned from the Bordeaux city council. The town hall confirmed this information on Tuesday France Blue Gironde. He had been elected to the list of the anti-capitalist collective
“Bordeaux in struggle”, formed in 2020 by activists from left-wing parties and organizations – notably the New Anti-Capitalist Party (NPA) and La France Insoumise – and led by Philippe Poutou.

The latter, a candidate declared for the presidential election under the label of the NPA, explained this departure by “various difficulties” within the group which would be the subject of a press conference in early January. “Bordeaux in struggle” had come close to 10% of the municipal vote and won three elected to the municipal council.

Antoine Boudinet had his right hand torn off by a GLI-F4 grenade on December 8, 2018 in Bordeaux during a demonstration of “yellow vests”. At 26, the young man from Bayonne was then engaged in the fight against police violence before becoming the youngest of Bordeaux municipal councilors.

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