Anti-homophobia associations have filed a complaint against Minister Caroline Cayeux

Caroline Cayeux “maintained” her 2012 remarks on the opening of marriage to same-sex couples, which she had described as “design against nature”. In response, several anti-homophobia associations announced on Wednesday that they had filed a complaint against the Minister Delegate in charge of local authorities.

This complaint, sent Wednesday to the Paris prosecutor’s office and of which AFP was aware, was filed by the associations Foam, STOP homophobia, LGBT Sports, LGBT Education, LGBT Families and ADHEOS. The offense referred to is the public insult towards a group of people because of their sexual orientation by a person holding public authority.

“I obviously stand by my words”

Public Senate asked Caroline Cayeux on Tuesday if she maintained old “statements on marriage for all and adoption for same-sex couples, described as whim and design reform that goes against nature”. The Minister first said: “I don’t think I spoke of caprice (…). Of course, I stand by my words. But I have always said that the law, if it were passed, I would apply it,” she added.

In the Senate in April 2013, during the debates that led to the adoption of this law, Caroline Cayeux had indicated that “the requirement of homosexual marriage, and the adoption of children that goes with it, is not simply a design that goes against nature. For her, it was a “headlong rush” with the risk of “damage” if “nothing can stop desire”.

“Many friends among these people”

Tuesday, on Public Sénat, Caroline Cayeux also added: “I must tell you all the same I have a lot of friends among these people. Frankly, it’s a bad trial that I’m being made and it upset me a lot ”. “I have never been part of La Manif pour tous, I have never marched, let things be clear,” also indicated the minister. Much criticized on social networks, the minister then tweeted: “My words have hurt many of you. I deeply regret them, they were naturally inappropriate. Equal rights must always be a priority in our action. »

Ten years after the vote for marriage for all, “these remarks are outrageous for homosexual people” believes Me Etienne Deshoulières, lawyer for the associations. “We cannot have a government that claims to be fighting against the discrimination we suffer and a minister who allows herself to say that. I ask for his resignation,” added Terrence Khatchadourian, secretary general of Stop Homophobia.

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