Another $473 million fine for conspiracy tellers – Panorama

Alex Jones is again convicted for claiming that the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was staged that left 26 dead. This brings Jones’ total to $1.44 billion.

US conspiracy narrator Alex Jones has again had to pay millions for his false claims about the Sandy Hook elementary school massacre. A judge in the US state on Thursday sentenced Jones and his company to damages of 473 million US dollars (around 464 million euros).

The founder of the right-wing website Infowars had claimed for years that the killing spree in December 2012 was staged by actors. A 20-year-old man shot and killed 20 school children and six school employees in Newtown, Connecticut on the East Coast. Already in October he was sentenced to pay almost a billion dollars. Jones had appealed. Even before that, he had been sentenced to extremely high fines for his false statements about the massacre.

The new sum is now added to the already huge sum. “This depravity and the cruel, persistent behavior of the accused establish a high level of reprehensibility and culpability,” the verdict said. Jones has argued that he does not have the means to pay the damages, the reported Washington Post. He was also instructed not to transfer his assets abroad until further notice.

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