"Anne Will": "Ultra nonsense" and "tyranny" – Who is this supposed to convince of a corona vaccination?

How about the compulsory vaccination? Anne Will did not advance the debate with her guests. In addition, there was a lot of sharpness against vaccination skeptics. Söder accused them of “ultra nonsense”, Montgomery accused them of “tyranny”. That showed once more how charged the mood in the country is.

There is still something going on. So: who has more to offer? Are there enough sausages left? Who is the one with the best vaccination requirements in the whole country? And who can best verbally “wash off” people who have not been vaccinated?

Alena Buyx wants to go again, because she often says that, well versed in war rhetoric, “shoot out of all the pipes” and “scale up step by step” in order to get the unwilling to the vaccination needle. Frank Ulrich Montgomery rumbles about a “tyranny of the unvaccinated”. I’m sorry, what? Tyranny? Anne Will seems like this is going too far for her. Montgomery undeterred. Yes, yes, Ms. Will, I use the term consciously. Now Markus Söder. Vaccine skeptics are a problem. And in Bavaria there are “traditionally” many. “And, Ms. Göring-Eckhardt, we also have many followers of yours, esotericists, naturopaths …”. The Green politician does not want to sit on her: “They are not our supporters.” Söder adds. There are two viruses. “We have Corona. And we have this poison, which is spread by lateral thinkers and partly by the AfD.” “Ultra nonsense” is being told there.

And now? What is actually supposed to be achieved with it? Whether such attacks increase the willingness to vaccinate? So yes, nothing like the compulsory vaccination?

It discussed:

  • Alena Buyx, Professor of Medical Ethics and Chairwoman of the German Ethics Council
  • Katrin Göring-Eckardt (Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen), parliamentary group leader in the Bundestag
  • Frank Ulrich Montgomery, Chairman of the Board of the World Medical Association
  • Markus Söder (CSU), party leader and Prime Minister of Bavaria
  • Christine Vogler, President of the German Nursing Council

Sunday evening on ARD. In the “crime scene” people dreamed and murdered, and Anne Will now asks: “Corona new infections at their peak – does Germany need a vaccination?”

Mrs. Will, where are the questions?

She did not invite Karl Lauterbach. Alone: ​​Hasn’t he already lived behind the scenes for a long time? You’d need him. So that he says what he said three weeks ago at “Maybrit Illner”. In the ZDF talk he explained why, in his opinion, compulsory vaccination is neither politically enforceable nor justifiable from an epidemiological point of view. But, surprisingly on this subject, there is no epidemiologist far and wide in the Will group. So nobody contradicted when Söder justified a possible corona vaccination with the measles vaccination.

PAID Corona and Schools Comment 2.30 p.m.

That this can still be said is disastrous. Measles vaccination offers lifelong, sterile immunity; the measles vaccinee cannot infect the non-immune. This can create herd immunity. But the corona vaccine does not do that to the same extent.

In addition, everything is far from as clear as it seems. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), the information comes from November 2, 2021, it says: “To what extent the vaccination reduces the transmission of the virus cannot currently be precisely quantified.” Most recently, the effectiveness of the corona vaccines was also revised downwards by the RKI. Previously, it was believed that the vaccine reduced the likelihood of a severe course in people over 60 years of age by 95 percent. This value has now been revised down by six percentage points to 89 percent. The protection against a fatal course also fell from 93 to 88 percent.

Corona outbreaks in nursing homes_16.53

One wonders: Why is this not mentioned in the program? And to what extent is compulsory vaccination legally enforceable at all? Buyx remains vague: “The general compulsory vaccination would be, therefore, very difficult to justify.” What does that mean? Mrs. Will, where are the questions? The viewers need more transparency.

How realistic is a compulsory vaccination?

By the way: transparency creates trust. Speaking of which. “The Danes have more confidence in the state,” said Will. “What does that tell you, Mr. Söder, that they have a better vaccination policy?” Mr Söder could now answer something that indicates that he is thinking critically about himself. And about the German corona policy. But he doesn’t. Instead, he chooses the whataboutism maneuver and refers, see above, to “this poison”. At some point Söder also talks about “reaching out” – but who else is that supposed to convince? Buyx ensures a level-headed moment within a rather restless, not really moving debate. She deeply regrets that people are marginalized, that they are said to be evil if they are not vaccinated. That works counterproductive: “It encourages the unvaccinated that they are excluded.”

At the same time, she makes it clear that vaccination in a pandemic situation is “not a private matter”. Montgomery puts it bluntly: “We all have to get vaccinated – except those who can’t.” In addition, he sees a “moral obligation” for the nursing staff. Söder makes it clear: “I am very open to compulsory vaccination for certain professional groups.” Christine Vogler is against placing the focus only on the nursing staff, who have been in a difficult situation for 18 months anyway: “We want everyone to be vaccinated.” According to the latest Forsa survey, 57 percent of Germans should be on their side.

What is striking? The fact that it is not made clear throughout the show how realistic compulsory vaccination actually is. Shouldn’t that be certain before debating about it? In addition, there is surprisingly little talk about alternatives. Only Söder brings up “drugs in Great Britain and the USA in order to have other options in addition to more vaccinations.” Unfortunately, you don’t find out more.

In the forum for the Will-Talk there are also several commentators who ask about dead corona vaccines, which, it is said, increases the willingness to vaccinate some of the people who have not yet been vaccinated. And what about testing, shouldn’t you go back to using a test strategy? In the last few days in particular, calls for a return to free rapid tests have become louder; The virologist Jonas Schmidt-Chanasit is convinced that if you really want security, you just help to keep testing all of them. Hendrik Streeck also pointed out that untested vaccinated people pose an additional risk. It would have done the Will debate good to include these positions.

What else? Söder is for 3G at work. Also, “to be able to ask what the vaccination status is. He also called for” more 2G “for a” greater boost in vaccination “, as can be seen in Austria. Can 2G also be introduced nationwide? The question goes to Göring -Eckardt. No, says the politician, that is “not legally secure.” And another lockdown? It will not come, according to Söder, for constitutional reasons. And what about “Freedom Day” on March 20, 2022? the FDP politician Marco Buschmann announced. Predicting that would be “nonsense,” says Söder. “I have to defend Buschmann,” says Göring-Eckhardt. And then there is the boost. “Two times it is not enough,” said Montgomery. “You will always have to boost it.” And also: “The EU vaccination certificate will expire at some point.” This means that anyone who then wants to be vaccinated must be re-vaccinated.

By the way, somebody says “Kimmich” at some point – Montgomery wants to make Söder responsible to speak a word of power at Bayern. Anne Will: “But Mr. Söder is not the coach of FC Bayern.” So. With all the other uncertainties, there is at least no doubt here.

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