“Anne Will”: She says goodbye at the beginning of December

“Anne Will”
She says goodbye at the beginning of December

After 16 years of political talk, Anne Will says goodbye to the broadcast time on Sunday evening on the first.

© NDR/Wolfgang Borrs

Anne Will is retiring from her Sunday evening talk show after years of appearing on television. A successor has already been found.

An era will come to an end at the beginning of December: as NDR announced on Wednesday (November 29th). Anne Will (57) will host her political talk show of the same name for the last time on Sunday, December 3rd. The Sunday evening program is considered the most watched talk show in German-speaking countries and can look back on 16 successful years on German television with 553 editions and more than 1,300 guests. The topic for the last issue “Anne Will” has not yet been decided – due to its topicality.

That was Anne Will’s first political talk 16 years ago

Presenter Anne Will started her career as the longest Sunday evening presenter on September 16, 2007 with a program on the subject of the labor market, pensions and minimum wage. The title of the first “Anne Will” issue at the time was “Return instead of respect – when work loses its value”.

According to NDR, the reach of the political talk was always particularly high when there were current crises to discuss. Most recently, the talk show received its greatest attention after the terrorist attack on Israel: on October 15, 2023, almost four million viewers tuned in to the program on Erste to find out about the events.

“Never waning journalistic curiosity”

“With her show, Anne Will has made a significant contribution to the formation of political opinions in Germany for many years. Week after week, her discussions with high-profile guests from politics, business and culture have provided the German public with first-hand information and opinions,” says NDR director Joachim Knut for Anne Will “for her safe, reliable navigation through the intense news situations of the past decade and a half and her consistently great, never-ending journalistic curiosity.” Will has received several awards for her work as a journalist and presenter.

This presenter will follow in Anne Wills’ footsteps from 2024

The previous “Tagesthemen” presenter Caren Miosga (54) will take over Anne Will’s slot on Sunday evenings from the new year and will discuss the most relevant topic of the week with guests on her show.


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