Anne Hidalgo will swim in the Seine the week of July 15

No, his project did not fall through. Anne Hidalgo, who postponed her historic dive into the Seine due to the early legislative elections, will finally swim there the week of July 15.

The mayor of Paris promised to swim in the river for which the State and the Ile-de-France communities have invested 1.4 billion euros in order to clean it up and make it swimmable.

Olympic events in the Seine still on hold

She plans to honor her bet before the start of the Olympic Games (July 26 – August 11). The open water swimming and triathlon events must be held on the Seine, but are always threatened in the event of heavy rain, synonymous with pollution.

The socialist elected official indicated in May that making the Seine swimmable is “a childhood dream”. At the end of February, during the inauguration of the Olympic village, Emmanuel Macron also promised a swim in the Seine.

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