Anne Hidalgo has set the date for her swim in the Seine… With Emmanuel Macron?

Where Chirac had made a splash, Hidalgo intends to make a splash? If the former mayor of Paris, and subsequently head of state, let his promise drag on for a long time without ever keeping it, it would seem that the current councilor intends to get wet.

Indeed, according to information from our colleagues at ParisianAnne Hidalgo will dive into the Seine on June 23 as she promised during her vows last January to “prove that the Seine is a river that we take care of”.

With the two prefects of Paris, but without Macron?

Courageous, the mayor of Paris is also altruistic since she will be accompanied by the Paris police chief, Laurent Nuñez, and the regional prefect, Marc Guillaume. In reality, the three bathers will not feel alone, since a whole group of personalities is planned for this outing organized at Bras Marie in Paris (12th arrondissement).

Among these personalities could be the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron who, according to the daily, would be in the (pool) party. Information still conditional according to the entourage of the Head of State who still refuses to confirm his presence.

1.4 billion euros and a retention basin later… What about bacteria?

If it is too early according to this same entourage to comment on his presence alongside the mayor of Paris, those close to him confirm that Emmanuel Macron “will swim in the Seine before the Olympic Games”, as he had done. also promised during the inauguration of the Olympic village.

It would indeed be a shame to miss the opportunity to take a dip after 1.4 billion euros have been invested (by the State and local authorities) to make the Seine swimmable.

Let us all hope that the traces of bacteria (including Escherichia coli) detected by the NGO Surfrider Foundation and revealed last April are only a bad memory thanks to the Austerlitz rainwater and wastewater storage basin, inaugurated last May 2.

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