Annalena Baerbock quotes stern title on Gaza: “That’s too much for me”

“That’s too much for me”
Baerbock wants to take action against increasing polarization because of the Gaza war – and quotes the stern cover

Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Alliance 90/The Greens)

© Hannes P. Albert / DPA

At the opening of the foreign policy forum in Berlin, Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock spoke clearly about the polarization in Germany – and quoted a recently published article star-Cover.

“‘That’s too much for me!’ “This was the outcry on the cover of a German weekly magazine some time ago,” said Federal Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock, beginning her opening speech on Tuesday at the Körber Foundation’s foreign policy forum in Berlin Reference to the one published three weeks ago star-Title. “Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, Hamas’s terrible terror against Israel, fear and terror in Gaza, the climate crisis. People in unspeakable distress everywhere,” Baerbock continued. These crises are almost unbearable and perhaps the “urge for a seemingly simple slogan” arises from this.

“Tiktok and Instagram are becoming spirals of self-affirmation, parallel worlds of one-sidedness. And that’s convenient,” warned the Green politician. It is understandable if one wishes “to be able to isolate oneself in moral purity instead of dealing with the other point of view.” The danger of such simplification, however, is that “the rifts in our society will continue to deepen.” She shouted to work against the increasing polarization of society.

Baerbock emphasized that, especially in democracies, everyone has the right to express their opinion. “But anti-Semitic hatred and anti-Israel incitement are not opinions.” Anyone who lives in Germany and questions Israel’s right to exist or puts the Holocaust into perspective “will encounter our bitter resistance with all its consequences. Because at this point there is no yes-but, only a never-again.” She warns just as clearly not to place Muslims under general suspicion or to incite hatred against them.

Annalena Baerbock: Germany must act as a bridge builder

Baerbock demanded that the current ceasefire in the Gaza Strip should be used for discussions about concrete steps towards a two-state solution between Israelis and Palestinians. Precisely because Germany is clearly on Israel’s side and enjoys trust among Arab countries, “we can and I believe we must act as bridge builders,” she said.

Lithuania’s Foreign Minister Gabrielius Landsbergis warned of the first signs of fatigue in connection with the almost two-year-long Russian war of aggression against Ukraine. Ukraine can defend itself effectively and win if it receives sufficient and timely support with more ammunition, air defense and long-range missiles. “Allowing Russia to freeze a conflict on Ukrainian territory would open a constant source of tension and instability and give Russia more time to prepare.” Therefore, the integration of Ukraine into NATO and the EU must have the highest priority.

Additional source:Foreign Office”


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