Annalena Baerbock on “Caren Miosga”: Powerless in the face of the Middle East conflict – media

“Caren Miosga” with the German Foreign Minister makes it painfully clear what Baerbock can do in the Middle East conflict: little. She’s just constantly searching for the right words. That’s not enough for the group.

If you want to learn something about Caren Miosga, please their homepage look at. There, the journalist maintains a self-confident look, which primarily consists of Caren Miosgas. Or rather from a Miosga, generously multiplied (ten times, as a count showed on Sunday evening), which turns towards the viewer, all in green, with crossed arms and an ARD presenter’s smile, as if in the sedating opening credits of a local doctor series, and then pops the talk show questions at him: “Will the East become ungovernable?” – “What will become of Germany?” – this time: “Can the war in the Middle East still be stopped, Ms. Baerbock?”

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