Annalena Baerbock: “I’m not doing my part for the Russian propaganda show”

Annalena Baerbock was at the bottom, but since the beginning of the war at the latest, the Foreign Minister has been in top form. A star-Talk about war and climate and the art of comeback.

Ms. Baerbock, the last time we met for an interview was on your campaign bus. It was just before the general election. They sat damn deep in the poll hole.
Feels like ages ago.

What do you think of when you remember that time?
To many clever old German proverbs. Everything has its good. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger…

Did you ever think about throwing everything away?
Would have been bad if the thought lasted more than a second.

When you look back over the last twelve months, what comes to mind? What ride?
The ups and downs would easily have lasted for ten years. It was like time lapse.

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