Animals: Lambs in Saxony are born with six legs

Lamm in Saxony is born with six legs

Lamb Dolly and his mother in the stable. To support leg coordination, one leg was bandaged up at an angle. With this trick, Dolly the lamb can now walk better. photo

© Tobias Junghannß/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

Lamb “Dolly” is doing well. Just six legs is a bit much. But the breeders already have an idea that could help. Was the malformation caused by a virus?

A lamb with six legs was born in a sheepfold in Torgau (Saxony). “It just wanted to live from the start, and we’re giving it the chance now,” said breeder Bernd Tinter. “Dolly”, as the lamb is called, finds it difficult to suckle and stand up alone. One leg was tied up with a bandage so that it could move better.

Apart from the deformity, a vet found no problems. The animal is said to be fine. It is unclear how the disability will affect Dolly’s life in the future. It is assumed that the malformation was caused by the Schmallenberg virus. The virus is transmitted by insects. If pregnant sheep are infected, the virus can get into the uterus and cause malformations in the embryo.


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