Animals: Bonobo born in Frankfurt Zoo

Bonobo born in Frankfurt Zoo

Female bonobo “Nayoki” with her young animal in the Frankfurt Zoo. photo

© -/Zoo Frankfurt/dpa

A small bonobo was born in Frankfurt at the end of September. The great ape species is considered critically endangered.

In the A bonobo was born in Frankfurt Zoo. “You still have to look very closely and be a little lucky to see the young animal, as it clings tightly to its mother’s fur in the first few months,” explained zoo director Christina Geiger.

The male, born on September 24th, is the first offspring of eleven-year-old Nayoki, who has been living in the great ape house at Frankfurt Zoo since summer 2020. The father is not known, four males are possible.

In total, the bonobo group in Frankfurt, including offspring, consists of ten females and seven males. The smallest great ape species lives in the wild in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Central Africa and is considered critically endangered, according to the statement.


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