Angela, the anti-harassment street name, is deployed on public transport

When commercial agencies become a refuge zone. Ilévia, manager of public transport in the metropolis of Lille, announced on Monday the deployment of a system to help victims of street harassment. Angela – that’s the name of the device – is a password that lets you alert Ilévia agents when you’re being bothered in the public space. Just say this code name to get appropriate assistance.

Set up in November, only in Ilévia agencies in Lille (Lille Flandres station, Place des Buisses and République Beaux-Arts), the Angela system will be extended to all seven commercial agencies of the network to fight against violence. gender bias in public places.

Immediate shelter

“Any victim of harassment is immediately sheltered and supported,” Ilévia said in a statement. Our agents are then responsible for notifying the transport police, who are responsible in particular for accompanying the victim in the procedure for filing a complaint, if this is desired. »

The experience has, it seems, borne fruit, but Ilévia does not provide any figures on the use of the device so far. “It is also possible to report facts from the help-call terminals or to Ilévia staff”, specifies the public service delegate who advises, however, to call 17, in the event of an emergency.

Angela Information Booth

To learn more about the Angela system, an information stand will be set up at the Ilévia sales office in Tourcoing, at the Tourcoing-centre metro station, on Friday March 17, between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m.

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