Angela Merkel: Kimmich “may still be worried”

Angela Merkel
Kimmich “may still be concerned”

Angela Merkel comments on the vaccination debate about Joshua Kimmich.

© imago images / APress

Angela Merkel commented on the vaccination debate about Joshua Kimmich. He thinks about it “maybe even more thoughts,” she said.

The fact that Bayern professional Joshua Kimmich (26) has not yet been vaccinated against the corona virus has been causing discussions for a few days. Chancellor Angela Merkel (67) has now commented on the footballer’s vaccination status. “First of all, a professional footballer is also a citizen who has the right not to be vaccinated in a country where there is no compulsory vaccination,” said the CDU politician in an interview with the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung” (October 31st edition).

Against Kimmich’s argument that there are still concerns due to a lack of “long-term studies”, there are “very good factual arguments that are generally available”, Merkel explains. “Maybe Joshua Kimmich is still thinking about it. He is known as a very reflective footballer.”

Former Chancellor Schröder criticizes Kimmich sharply

Kimmich’s vaccination status recently met with sharp criticism from former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (77). In his role as a professional and national player, the 26-year-old has “a responsibility, not just towards his teammates on the pitch,” said the 77-year-old the portal “LinkedIn”. Schröder is certain, however, “that the management of Bayern Munich and the DFB will advise him to overcome these unfounded concerns.”


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