an open kitty after the murder of an ultra from Stade Rennais

Roazhon Celtic Kop supporters honored his memory on Saturday at the Saint-Etienne reception, singing songs to pay tribute to “their brother”. The day before, JM, a long-time supporter of Stade Rennais, had died in a stabbing. The facts took place in the night from Friday to Saturday in Saint-Hilaire-du-Harcouët in the Manche. After an altercation with a group of individuals in front of a bar, the young man received a fatal stab wound to the chest.

Three people were quickly arrested in this case and placed in police custody. During the hearings, one of them, a young man in his twenties, “admitted having dealt the fatal blow”, according to Michaël Giraudet, public prosecutor of Coutances. He was charged with murder and jailed. The other two were indicted on counts of hiding evidence and failing to assist a person in danger and placed under judicial supervision.

Tributes will be paid to him for the reception of OM

A few hours after the tragedy, a kitty has been opened to pay tribute to the young man. To date, more than 9,500 euros have already been collected. The money will be used to buy a plaque in his memory as well as to finance the various tributes that will be paid to him on the occasion of the Marseille reception on May 14 at Roazhon Park.

The organizer of the kitty also indicates that the money “will also be intended to help the family and to support research against multiple sclerosis”.

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