An Iranian commits suicide by jumping into the Rhône to draw attention to his country

In the video he left to explain his gesture, he urges everyone to support his people in their fight against “extremely violent police and government”. A 38-year-old Iranian killed himself on Monday by jumping into the Rhône in Lyon.

“When you watch this video, I will be dead. I decided to commit suicide in the Rhone river, it is a challenge to show that we, Iranian people, we are very tired of this situation”, he explained in a calm voice in this video that he posted on several social networks before killing himself. “The police are attacking people, we have lost a lot of sons and daughters, we have to do something…”

Unable to revive him

The man was found drowned late Monday afternoon, police told AFP, confirming information from the local newspaper Le Progrès. He could not be revived despite the intervention of the firefighters, who brought him back to the bank.

Iran has been experiencing a wave of protest for two months unprecedented since the Islamic Revolution of 1979. It was born out of demands for women’s rights after the death of Mahsa Amini, arrested for having worn the Islamic veil incorrectly.

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