An Ilévia agent seriously injured in the eye by a paintball shot

Saturday evening, an agent of the delegate of the public transport service of the Lille metropolis, Ilévia, was seriously injured during his service at La Madeleine, near Lille, in the North. According to the CGTthe employee was hit by paintball in the eye.

The CGT denounced, on Sunday, an “aggression of rare violence”, perpetrated according to the union using “a paintball gun”. It is an AVP, in other words a controller, who was hit in the eye by a projectile, requiring emergency surgery. Still according to this source, the agent may still lose the use of the affected eye.

Employees exercise their right of withdrawal

In the wake of this attack, the unions called on Ilévia employees to exercise their right of withdrawal. A call which was widely followed, causing major disruptions in the circulation of bus lines. This Monday morning, at least six lines are stopped and many delays are observed on most other urban lines.

An investigation has been opened but it is not known whether the alleged shooter has been arrested. “We are insecure, our users are too”, hammered the CGT which asks the management of Ilévia to ensure the safety of its employees.

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