An armored van attacked with a Kalashnikov in the city center

This Thursday morning, around 10 a.m., an armed attack took place in the city center of Grenoble targeting an armored van, which was transporting funds, the Isère prefecture indicated on social networks, which asked to avoid the sector of the corner of Cours Berriat and Jean-Jaurès. The perpetrators have fled and are actively being sought. According to The Dauphiné Libéréthe cash conveyors, employees of Loomis, were unhurt.

“There are two minor injuries linked to road accidents caused by the event and by a shard of glass,” said Éric Vaillant, Grenoble public prosecutor, who visited the scene this Thursday.

“There is an extremely serious event which occurred this morning which resulted in an attempted robbery,” declared prefect Louis Laugier to the press on site. The circumstances are not yet completely established. » Before adding: “The results are that there are no deaths and no serious injuries. On that side, we at least have a stabilized situation.” He stressed that “a huge number” of police and gendarmes were mobilized to “find the perpetrators”.

Exchanges of fire

The perpetrators allegedly acted aboard an unmarked white van, to block the armored van, and a black Mercedes ML270 which ended up in the middle of the tram tracks. They were equipped with Kalashnikov-type assault rifles.

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According to a police source, there was an “exchange of gunfire” between the cash couriers and the attackers. The latter set fire to the white van before fleeing on board “two Mercedes”, detailed Éric Vaillant. One of the two cars was abandoned after causing a traffic accident a few meters from the scene. The passengers on board boarded in the second which was just found on fire and empty in the Grenoble area.

An investigation was opened and entrusted to the Organized and Specialized Crime Division (DCOS) of Grenoble, said the public prosecutor.

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