Amok alarm in Essen: 16-year-old planned attacks on two schools

16-year-old planned attacks on the Don Bosco high school and a secondary school in Essen. Manifesto found with xenophobic slogans.

A 16-year-old from Essen is strongly suspected of having attacked his current and former school in Essen-Borbeck to have planned. The youth was arrested on Thursday morning and is in custody awaiting questioning. According to information from this newspaper, a manifesto with xenophobic slogans was found. Since then, the police have been on a large scale at the Don Bosco Gymnasium and at the Realschule am Schloss Borbeck. An explosives detection dog and forensics are on site.

According to NRW Vice Prime Minister Joachim Stamp (FDP), a suspected Nazi terrorist attack has been prevented. Stamp announced this via Twitter on Thursday. “We can neither confirm nor deny that,” said a police spokeswoman in Essen. The NRW Ministry of the Interior announced a statement by Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) during the day.

The suspected student was surprised by a special unit in his parents’ apartment on Klopstockstrasse at around 4 a.m. Various pieces of evidence were secured there. The police did not want to comment on the fact that, according to information from “Bild”, in addition to hard drives, there were also homemade pipe bombs.

Planned attack on schools in Essen: explosives detection dog searched the apartment

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If explosive material has actually been discovered, the investigators have probably prevented the worst by quickly accessing it. Only a few hours earlier, they are said to have received relevant information from an acquaintance of the 16-year-old about the school. In the course of the morning, the police had about a dozen large moving boxes, oblong objects wrapped in brown paper and apparently blunt weapons such as spears and a crossbow removed from the apartment. After that, the explosives detection dog was also used there.

Suspect had apparently planned attacks on his current and former school

Neighbors report that the family has been living in the top floor apartment on Klopstockstrasse for about a year, which was searched for hours – just a few hundred meters from “Don Bosco”. The teenager had originally attended secondary school, but then recently switched to high school.

Classmates want to know about the 16-year-old that he knows a lot about the Hitler Youth and about weapons, that he is someone who built objects with nails in art class. Some were probably afraid of him.

the police has not yet commented on the background and detailed questions. On her official Twitter channel the authority initially only wrote: “The police are investigating at high pressure. Please do not engage in speculation.”

Attack plans in Essen: School will remain closed on Thursday

At around 7:20 a.m., the high school posted the following on its website: “Breaking news. Unfortunately, school has to be canceled today.” School principal Lothar Hesse later wrote: “We received information that a criminal offense was planned at school. In order to examine the school for evidence, we had to block access to the school today in consultation with the police. We ask for your understanding. At the moment we are assuming that normal school can take place again tomorrow.”

There were no barriers, the school gate was open. But no one was allowed in. Several police officers guarded the school grounds. This Thursday, high school exams in German should be rewritten on Theodor-Hartz-Straße. It is unclear whether this fact is related to the alleged attack plans.

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