AMA Summary with Nikolaos Kostopoulos from Project ReBaked

1. Please introduce yourself. your background And what brought you into the crypto market?

Hello everyone, my name is Nikolaos Kostopoulos. I have been in the blockchain industry since 2017 and have experience working with leading companies like Harmony Protocol. I am the head of the blockchain division of one of the largest software integrators in Europe. And I have been a consultant and adviser to many blockchain startups. He is also one of the speakers at many blockchain events.

Our company now has a team of about 15 people and is currently accepting employment. If you are interested in working with us, you can dm tg me directly. Our company is full of young and ambitious teams. Most of them live in Europe and world-class development centers such as Ho Chi Minh and Bangalore.

2. What is ReBaked? Can you suggest a short project and how it works?

reBaked is a project that takes care of both Building a Governance, Management, and Operations toolkit for DAO and the Web 3.0 ecosystem with a focus on creating value.

Our projects take care of projects in many different market segments. We focus on the success and financial well-being of the blockchain ecosystem. The tools we use are designed to provide a collaborative mechanism. growth mechanism and focus on infrastructure to help projects can achieve common goals

Our protocols allow Web 3.0 projects to improve faster or build stronger community connections. Faster Decentralization and can provide better returns to users

$BAKED is the token used in our project. which is actively managed by RBKD DAO which in

We are currently working on 4 major products.

RBKD PIONEERS: Projects to Design, Launch, and Scale Web 3.0 Projects We’ve redesigned the Launchpad experience for Web 3.0 projects at an early stage. To provide experts with care and help the project build a strong foundation.

RBKD BUILD : A truly decentralized and distributed DAO governance that combines the concept of guaranteed payouts and bonus payouts – through our tri-party, from other partners. from the project team and from the observer

RBKD CrowdHack : Hackathon platform with the ability to integrate Web 3.0 coins as the base currency. With smart contract escrow function to ensure the promised reward delivery. Compared to other hackathon platforms, CrowdHack is a platform that can provide feedback from a decentralized community based on hosted funding. CrowdHack has a discovery system that identifies similar or identical solutions from other platforms. to guarantee the uniqueness of the submitted solution. which can eliminate duplicates

RBKD PLAYSHARE: In-Game Revenue Sharing Mechanism for Play 2 – It allows metaverse owners to accumulate passive income and beginner players do not need to invest upfront or risk excessive financial risks.

3. What is BAKED Token?

  • $BAKED is supported by an ecosystem incubated and actively managed by RBKD DAO.
  • All RBKD products collect fees ranging from 2% -5% which are distributed to #DAO participants who stake tokens.
  • Tokens must be staked during a snapshot period which we did not announce in advance – the user who placed the stake is eligible for the reward.

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value proposition

reBaked-exclusive products, such as Pioneers, charge a fee on early-stage projects. which has the lowest valuation value offered in any given cycle. which is a good opportunity

But not only but also include..

  • Stake $BAKED you will get lottery tickets for each ReBaked PlayShare Lottery will bring you one step closer to winning.
  • More Treasury Boxes containing rewards: Free Tokens, Free IGO Allotments and NFT Premium!
  • Treasury Boxes will be revealed during each project’s TGE.

More exciting updates are coming.

4. What competitors are there in the market and who do you think are the main competitors?

Major competitors: ⚔️

Gitcoin ($GTC $123m MC/ 353 CoinGecko Ranking)

DAO Maker($DAO $117m MC/ 381 CoinGecko Ranking)

Dora Hacks ($DORA $18.9M MC/ 855 CoinGecko Ranking)

5. Consider the competitors mentioned above. What will be the main competitive advantages of those projects? (Maybe in terms of teams, collaborations, etc.)

Gitcoin is one of our competitors in this market – similar to Dora Hacks, I believe the current market is too big and there is still a lot of opportunity.

I think we all have space to work together. And we still have a lot to learn from the Gitcoin blockchain, but there are still a lot of people they can’t afford to pay their Gitcoin fees, so let’s start with those 😛

I think many more companies partner with projects that want to use both our PIONEERS & BUILD.

While DORA Hacks are similar to – while reBaked differs in support of new tools, new DeFi innovations, or even specific tools for the gaming industry. We take care and have a project to do in that.

For example: Binance Smart Chain has $1 billion in capital, Harmony 800 million, Avalanche 350 million ,Findora 400 million just announced today another 100 million – although we managed to collect a small pie for distribution via reBaked. – Then the success will be visible.

6. Who is your target audience, primarily Defi users or NFT users?

Both – but we will focus on the Play2Earn market, which is a huge market.

PlayShare is all about providing an in-game revenue sharing mechanism for games running on the Play-2-Earn model, which aims to enable asset owners to accumulate passive income, and players can start playing by: There is no upfront investment or financial risk as well.

Players from emerging economies will have a sustainable source of income created through the gaming process. Risk-averse investors will be able to experience new investment assets through the growth of VR, AR, eSports and other trends and technologies. Included in the blockchain-based game with its scalability and huge opportunities for creativity, metaverses are providing a way to start earning passive income from NFT assets, while these can add value. Yes, and reBaked platform supports NFT, Game play2earn. We are happy to be involved in their growth and development.

reBaked focuses on pushing games through PlayShare support. While games have monetization potential, the reBaked project is trying to create a fun way to join. participation And to be more fair by using PlayShare governance DAO users can trust and ensure transparency of all processes involved.

7. Can you tell us about your milestones and future plans?

We have many partners to launch in the near future – and at the moment we have at least 10 projects to launch through reBaked Pioneers and we have five TOP100 MarketCap partnerships to be announced soon.

8. What are your plans for both Thailand and the Southeast community?

All of our products promote inclusion. Therefore, there are many opportunities for talented individuals or teams coming from rapidly developing countries such as Thailand and Southeast Asia. We invite everyone to become a member of our Launchpad talent. We are here to help with early-stage blockchain projects. and can jointly invest

especially We will also be launching a campaign for PlayShare to provide scholarships from players in those countries, so stay tuned.

9. CLOSE THIS AMA SESSION What is this AMA and why should you use your product?

4 Opportunities For Those Who Attended AMA Today:

  1. Stake RBKD DAO tokens and actively participate in governance:

By placing your $BAKED token stake, you can earn fees ranging from 2-5% on various products offered by RBKD DAO.

  1. Join the first phase as a Talent and be rewarded with the lowest price value offered in any round.

If you have skills in development, design or marketing/community building Don’t forget to participate and Get a fee from various projects incubated by RBKD. You can check out our first project – Talent Protocol – Selected Project by Coinlist for the latest batch accelerators. week-69a69220d818?source=collection_home

  1. Refer to talent- if you believe you can’t. You can earn $BAKED by recommending subscriptions in the platform.
  2. If you are interested in PlayShare- and you specialize in gaming. Don’t forget to show interest in PlayShare – our IGO Launchpad and Play2Get DAO.

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