“All scenarios” considered at the Zaporozhye power plant, the Odessa region bombed overnight

Did you miss the latest events on the war in Ukraine? Don’t panic, 20 Minutes takes stock for you every evening at 7:30 p.m. Who did what ? Who said what? Where are we ? The answer below:

news of the day

Strikes on the Odessa region. According to Independent Kyiv, the southern region of Ukraine came under bombardment. During the night, a recreation center and several private buildings were destroyed, according to the Ukrainian armed forces. Serhiy Bratchuk, spokesman for the Odessa regional administration, reported that Russian forces launched several missiles. The strikes injured three. On Twitter, photos and videos showing the damage circulated.

sentence of the day

“Russian forces are looting and destroying Ukrainian agricultural infrastructure, including silos, agricultural machinery and fields. This prevents Ukrainian farmers from sowing and planting, which harms future harvests and aggravates the global food crisis”

The US State Department blames Russia for the food crisis stemming from the war in Ukraine. Relations between the two countries are going through a period of unprecedented tension. On Tuesday, Russia accused the United States of dragging out the Ukrainian conflict, and of seeking to “destabilize” the world.

The number of the day

68. This is the number of millions of dollars that the United States will allocate to the World Food Program (WFP) for the purchase of Ukrainian cereals. The US Agency for Development Assistance (USAID) said that this money would be used to finance the purchase, transport and storage of 150,000 tons of Ukrainian wheat. Before the war, Ukraine was one of the main suppliers of cereals to the WFP. The first humanitarian ship chartered by the UN to transport Ukrainian cereals left southern Ukraine on Tuesday, with some 23,000 tons for Africa.

The trend of the day

Still concerns around the Zaporozhye power plant. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg wants the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to intervene at the plant. “It is urgent to authorize an inspection by the IAEA and to obtain the withdrawal of all Russian forces” from the site, he said during a press conference. Strikes and clashes, of which kyiv and Moscow accuse each other, are multiplying around the place. Ukraine must prepare for “all scenarios” at the Zaporozhye power plant, the Ukrainian Interior Minister warned on Wednesday.

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