Alexandre Ruiz caught up with sexist remarks and tyrannical behavior

Former beIN Sports presenter Alexandre Ruiz – GILLES MOREL / SIMAX / SIPA

The timing is perhaps not so trivial. Alexandre Ruiz announced his departure from beIN Sports on March 22, the day after the broadcast of Marie Portolano’s documentary at rival Canal +. A decision that the presenter described as “unilateral” on France Info in the middle of the week, but perhaps not in the sense that one believes.
A survey published Thursday by Mediapart reveals that Ruiz had been the subject of sanctions by the chain, at the end of 2020, because of a succession of events related to his bad behavior. The management would have sent him “a three-page long registered letter” whose tone was “very severe”, it is assured in high places.

If the pressure force comes to sanction strained relations with his former colleagues as a whole, two events attract attention. The first takes place at the end of October, on the occasion of a weekend programming meeting with representatives of the various shows on the grid, where the editor-in-chief announces that Vanessa Le Moigne has obtained the interview of a great leader of a French football club. To which Ruiz reportedly replied: “Why does he want to come on his show? Does he want to nab her or what? “

The remark goes wrong and the person tries to justify it to the presenter “He started by telling me that if he had said that, it was because he was worried about me. Then he told me, basically, that we had to stop with our stuff, that we couldn’t say anything more, ”before finally denying having made such comments. A drama in three acts.

Genton and the cowboy look

The other event concerns the special broadcast dedicated to Diego Maradona, on November 26, and whose presentation was entrusted to Florian Genton rather than to the former flagship presenter of beIN Sports. According to three employees of the channel, “just before taking the aerial, Alexandre came and landed right next to the camera, his hands behind his back. He stayed there, staring at Florian Genton like a cowboy. Several journalists responsible for the show will then complain about the behavior of Alexandre Ruiz, then accused of wanting to sabotage the show.

The famous three-page letter sent by the management has finished isolating the presenter from the rest of the editorial staff, we also learn from the Mediapart paper, which also mentions these employees who left the ship through his fault. “He rinsed out a lot of people around him,” says a journalist from the channel.

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